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Frequently asked questions

I've booked to have my lips done will it hurt?

Yes most people find lip filler a painful procedure. The Russian technique is less painful than the standard technique as there are less injection points.

To minimise pain you can apply EMLA numbing cream to the area 30 minutes before your appointment. The filler used also has lidocaine in it which numbs as we go. 

Should I have 1.1ML or 0.5ML in my lips?

I recommend starting with 1.1ML for the first couple of sessions you have. Once we have achieved your desired size I then recommend 0.5ML top ups every 6-8 months.

How often should I have my lips done?

When building size you should come every 3 months (you can come sooner if you want to achieve the size quicker.) Once you have achieved the size you should come every 6 - 8 months. Everybody breaks down filler differently - some people may not need to come back for up to 12 months.

Will I bruise?

Bruising is a common side affect when performing any injectable procedure. Most people's bruising is minimal however I cannot guarantee this. 


You can buy arnica tablets to take 5 days before and 5 days after and this will significantly lower the risks of bruising. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before and after your treatment will also reduce the risk of bruising. 

How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?

Two weeks after your initial appointment you will have a review appointment. In your review it will be decided whether you need a top-up (top-ups cost £20). After this appointment your results should last between 3-6 months. Again this cannot be guaranteed as it depends on a number of things. Lifestyle habits and muscle strength plus your metabolism all have an impact on how long your results last.

Can I bring a friend to the appointment?

No please come alone. Unless you and your friend are both having treatment. In my experience friends can make you more nervous and worried during treatment can distract you during consultation. I want to get to know you and your wants and needs away from the influence of your friends! SORRY x

What anti-wrinkle product do you use?

For most clients I use Alluzience. This is the newer toxin on the market and I find it tends to kick in quicker and last longer. However during consultation I may decide a different product may be more suitable.

What filler do you use?

My go to and the filler quoted in my price list is E.P.T.Q. I have found this the best product since revolax lost its CE mark. 


I will use other fillers, if you have a preference please let me know. These will be priced differently. 

Are dermal fillers safe?

Yes. I only use products that are CE marked. Hyaluronic acid is a substance which occurs naturally in the cells of the skin. This means there is extremely low risk of an allergic reaction (unless you have an allergy to lidocaine then we will use a lidocaine free filler). 


There are of course some extremely rare complications that can occur the main one being a vascular occlusion. This is where a blood vessel is accidentally blocked with the filler which slows or completely stops blood flow to certain area. I must stress this is a very rare complication and if in the rare case it does occur I am fully trained in recognising and treating there issue before it causes any damage. This will all be covered in your consultation before treatment. 


What aftercare should I follow after filler?

This again will be covered in your consultation and again after your treatment. 


- Keep area as clean as possible for the next 24 hours (avoid touching the area, kissing, make up etc)

- Take arnica tablets for 5 days post treatment to help with bruising 

- Avoid exercise for 24 hours

- Avoid heat treatments for 48 hours

- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours 

- Avoid facials or dermarolling for 2 week post treatment 

- Drink lots of water for 24 hours after treatment this really helps the retention of the filler

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